The ISTD American Style Syllabus Figures list.
ISTD has the American Syllabus for sale. Contact:
Mr Angelo Calia
Paramount Dance Center
291 West Clay Avenue
Roselle Park
New Jersey 07204
(908) 241-8797
American Syllabus
1. Forward Basic
2. Quarter Turns
3. Left Rock Turn
4. Swing Step
5. Promenade Walk
6. Left Turn Box
7. Right Turn Box
8. Simple Twinkle
9. Right Rock Turn
10. Promenade Turn
1. Progressive Basic
2. Open Left Box Turn
3. Advanced Twinkle
4. Open Left Rock Turn
5. Open Swing Step
6. Open Right Turn
7. Twinkle and Twist
8. Grapevine
9. Twinkle and Pivots
10. Fallaway and Rock
1. Rumba Box Step
2. Underarm Turn
3. Rumba Rocks
4. Progressive Walks
5. Outside Breaks
6. Back Breaks
7. Open Breaks/Underarm Turn
8. Cross Body Lead
9. Open Walks
10. Back Spot Turn
1. Back to Back
2. Side Pass
3. Forward Spot Turn
4. Side by Side Progressive Walks
5. Side by Side Rocks
6. Back Spot with Underarm Turn Right
7. Back Spot with Underarm Turn Left
8. Wrap Around
9. Back Spot to Spiral Turn
10. Free Turns with Breaks
I . Basic Cha-Cha
2. Cross Over Breaks
3. Outside Breaks
4. Back Breaks
5. Open Break
6. Progressive Basic
7. The Chase
8. Underarm Turn
9. Cross Body Lead
10. Kick Swivels
1. Underarm Turn with Spin
2. Back Spot Turn
3. Forward Spot Turn
4. Three Cha-Chas
5. Side by Side Triples
6. Stop and Go
7. Sweetheart
8. Fallaway Swivel
9. Promenade Swivels
10. Back Spot with Underarm Turns
1. Forward Change Steps
2. Left Box Turn
3. Right Tum Box
4. Simple Twinkle
5. Hesitations
6. Hesitation Combinations
7. Promenade Hesitation
8. Promenade Turn
9. Twinkle and Walk Around
10. Left Turn Cross
1. Progressive Basic
2. Open Left Box Turn
3. Advanced Twinkle
4. Progressive Twinkle
5. Left Side Rock and Spin
6. Open Right Turn
7. Twinkle and Twist
8. Twinkle and Fallaway
9. Twinkle and Pivots
10 Fallaway and Rock
1. Swing Basic
2. Throwaway
3. Closing Link
4. Underarm to Left
5. Underarm to Right
6. Four Kick
7. Change of Hands
8. Whip Throwaway
9. Windmill
10. Stop and Go
1. Kick Ball Change
2. Underarm Turns with Hand Change
3. Hesitation
4. Back Shuffle
5. Whip and Underarm Turn Left
6. Whip and Underarm Turn Right
7. American Spin
8. Rolling Off the Arm
9. Spin Whip
10. Toe Heel Swivels
1. Chasse to Left
2. Forward Walk
3. Promenade Walk
4. Left Rock Turn
5. Separation
6. Back Breaks
7 Open Break UAT Right
8 OPen Break UAT Left
9 Chasse to Left and Right
10. Open Rocks
1. Back Spot Turn
2. Syncopated Chasse
3. The Freeze
4. Forward Spot Turn
5. Back Spot with Underarm Turn Left
6. Back Spot with Underann Turn Right
7. Promenade Swivels
8. Wrap Around
9. Pendulum and Grapevine
10. Flick Breaks
1. Basic and Outside Basic
2. Promenade Basic
3. Promenade to Fan
4. Progressive Rocks
5. Continuous Basic
6. Corte
7. Turning Rocks
8. Outside Swivels
9. Turning Corte
10. Promenade Turns
1. Corte and Walk Around
2. Rock and Ronde
3. Left Turn and Fans
4. Promenade Turn to Corte
5. Continuous Ronde
7. Quick Change
8. Turning Rock to Same Foot Lunge
9. Double Ronde
10. Oversway
1. Samba Basic
2. Whisks
3. Samba Walks
4. Simple Twinkle
5. Samba Box Step
6. Chasse Right and Left
7. Open Break Underarm Turn
8. Back Spot Turn
9. Progressive Twinkle
10. Opening Out
1. Kick Release
2. Twinkles to P.P. ant C.P.P
3. Back Samba Walks
4. Solo Turns
5. Syncopated Twinkle
6. Criss Cross
7. Shadow Twinkies
8. Rolling Off the Arm
9. Maypole Left and Right
10. Closed Swivels
1. Mambo Basic
2. Passing Basic
3. Cross Over Breaks
4. Open Break with Underarm Turn
5. Back Spot Turn
6. Mambo Breaks
7. Kick Swivels
8. Stop and Go
9. Cross Body Lead
10. Fallaway Swivel
1. Forward Spot Turn
2. Back Spot with Underarm Turn Right
3. Back Spot with Underarm Turn Left
4. Side By Side
5. Open Hip Twist
6. Spin Whip
7. Advanced Hip Twist
8. Spins
9. Time Steps
10. Chase Turn to Cross Turn