Two very impressive FAQ lists about ballet and dancewear can be found on Check them out before you go anywhere else.
How to subscribe: Send mail to the administrative address:
(NOT the list address) containing in the body of the message the line
subscribe Dance-Ballet
Please direct your posts to "", your commands
(such as info,or help) to "", and your questions
or comments to "". To review previous
postings and issue Majordomo commands, visit our WWW gateway at:
If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can
send mail to "" with the following command in
the body of your email message: unsubscribe Dance-Ballet
The list owner is Julie Engler - her email address is:
This is a public unmoderated electronic mailing list for discussion of ballet and/or modern dance.
Anyone can join the list by sending e-mail to with a "subscribe ballet-modern" command (without the quotes) in the body of the message.
This list will be archived at ftp://ftp/nonprofits/dance/ballet-modern as well as the books, videos, and music directories directly under the dance directory where appropriate.
The newsgroup alt.arts.ballet (3.1)is gatewayed daily to the list. A more robust gateway will be available shortly.
This is a public unmoderated electronic mailing list for discussion of ANY aspect of Tap and Jazz dance. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, teachers, performances, music, videos, books, history, the future of tap and jazz, major people, technique, etc.
Anyone can join the list by sending e-mail to with a "subscribe tap-jazz" command (without the quotes) in the body of the message.
There is currently no FAQ (list of Frequently Asked Questions) for this list, but I'd really like to see (at least) one happen. If you have a possible contribution, please share it with the list! If you're interested in organizing creation of a FAQ, please contact me at .
This list will be archived /ftp/nonprofits/dance/tap-jazz as well as the books, videos, and music directories directly under the dance directory where appropriate.
This file is part of the FAQ list for the newsgroup The FAQ list is being maintained by Victor Eijkhout (victor at eijkhout dot net, talk about vanity), who appreciates being sent additions or corrections on the material in this collection. Copyright 1994/5/6/7/8/9/2000 lies with the maintainer and the contributors of various parts.
Listen up: Victor did not write most of this stuff; he just collected it. So don't send him any dance questions.
You may link to this page and make copies for private use in any form, but reproduction in any means, including book or CDROM, is not allowed without permission from the copyright holder. When linking, the page may not be displayed in a frame: use the full window, or open a new one.
It goes without saying that the maintainer of this FAQ takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information presented here or for any use or abuse of this information. The maintainer is neither a doctor nor a lawyer.
Last modified on: Saturday, October 9, 1999.